Most and foremost, all honor, glory, and praises be unto our Heavenly Father for the great things He has done and who has answered our prayers and provided for all our needs in regard to this publishing project abundantly above what we could ever think or ask. Next, the publisher is most grateful to God for key individuals who willingly assisted in some important way to make this project a success:
- To Sister Bonnie Smith for allowing us to make copies of some of her original literatures and study charts and for our many informative discussions about the history of the Shepherd's Rod message.
- To Sister Faye Talley and all the rest of the kind-hearted folks at the Salem resthome for their genuine southern hospitality in allowing one of us to stay at their place and providing for our needs while we made use of their personal library and fellowship room.
- To Dara and Michael Dietz for their unselfish labors to be the first to publish the Rod message on the internet and make it freely available for all Davidia to use as they please. The text base that was used to start this publishing project came from their website.
Thank you all and may God continue to richly bless you, and even up to an hundred fold, for what you have done to help this project achieve its success. In that blessed hopeThe Publishers. |