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Miscellaneous Tracts
"that you can make, even in your own home!"

Note: Please click instructions on how to make a Rod Tract
from a downloaded PDF, and if you wish, print a copy for your future use.

The list or images below are links to printable document files (PDF) for each individual issue of the Rod miscellaneous tracts. Please click the desired link, one box at a time, to download or copy the file to your computer to make your own tracts.

Fundamental Beliefs of DSDA's
1950 General Conference Special
The Leviticus of DSDA's
Military Stand
Mt. Carmel Training Center
Reporting Un-Adventist Activities
Shepherd's Rod Pocket Edition
White House Recruiter
Entering Wedge

Fund. Beliefs 1950 Gen. Conf. Spec. Leviticus Military Stand
Mt. Carmel Training Ctr. Reporting Un-Adventist Shepherd's Rod PE White House Recruiter
Entering Wedge Cookright Cook Book

"In a large degree through our publishing houses is to be accomplished the work of that other angel who comes down from heaven with great power and who lightens the earth with his glory."—Testimonies for the Church, Vol. 7, p. 140.

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