May it be to God's glory and praise through Christ Jesus our Lord and Savior for His wonderful providences that opened the doors for this project which otherwise seemed so impossible when it commenced on December 26, 2006 with nothing but a small laptop computer, a simple laser printer, and a few hand tools. Furthermore, without any experience, neither training in publishing, layout, nor web design, and worse yet, no money. A simple prayer in faith asking God for help and continual supplication for His divine guidance has been the key of success for this project.
Our sincere hope and prayer is that the original-based Rod literature can go forth as the leaves of autumn in a grand effort to bring about the much needed revival and reformation for God's beloved Laodicea throughout the world.
Praise God from whom all blessings flow, from its inception this website,, and its associated publishing projects have used no tithes/offering monies in any way. By divine providence, God has provided miracle money for this project, so we invite you to come rejoice and partake freely, as freely we have received. (Please note: As of January 1, 2011 has completed the publication of the entire original Rod message including the 1944 study charts and is now qualified to accept support from tithes and offerings.)
We will gladly give a prompt reply to any of your questions, comments, ideas, and suggestions, as God permits. So please email us (, or feel free to call us.
Please visit our sister website at for additional studies and documentation. Also if you appreciate the resources available on this website and feel impressed, we would be thankful to God for your donations to support our continued labors. May God bless you an hundredfold.

In that blessed hopeThe Publishers. |