Digital Scans of the Old Symbolic Codes (Vol. 1, No. 1 to Vol. 9, Nos. 1-12): (New! added, 1-2014)
Now for the first time Davidians around the world can download and view on their own computers high quality digitital scans of the original Symbolic Codes published by Brother Houteff from 1936 to 1943. Perhaps this will make abundantly clear what Brother Houteff meant when he stated in many places, "teach only that which is published."
Davidian Bible Studies--Reproduced from Mt. Carmel Originals:
Davidian Sabbath School Lessons--Mt. Carmel Originals:
Davidic-Levitical Institute (DLI)--Mt. Carmel Originals: (Added, 12-2009)
Shepherd's Rod Literature Classified for Personal Study: Davidic-Levitical Institute (PDF, 261 KB). Issued as part of the ministerial training program at Mt. Carmel Center. A very useful classification of the major themes in the Rod message (Inspiration, Elijah, 11th-Hour Call, etc.) with a list of the appropriate literature which covers each subject.
- Hunter's Manual (PDF, 2.2 MB). This is a digital reproduction of the original Hunter's Manual that was sent out with the hunter's during this campain that was intiated by Bro. Houteff in 1953 and mentioned several times in the original Rod publications (10 SC, No. 1, p. 3; 10 SC, No. 2, pp. 4, 19-21, JL, No. 6, pp. 5-6, JL, No. 9, pp. 4-7).
Words from the Pioneers of the Shepherd's Rod: (Added, 12-2010)
Documentation Cited in Shepherd's Rod Message: (Revised, 12-2009)
Taylor Bunch Article, "144,000 Their Triumphs and Reward", Signs of the Times, May 3, 1927 (PDF, 453 KB). The origin of the teaching regarding the 144,000 and the Great Multitude in Rev. 7 as two groups of living saints, the "first fruits" and "the second fruits" in the final harvest of souls at the end of probationary time.
Taylor Bunch "Forty Years in the Wilderness", 1925 (PDF, 517 KB). This 45 page tract revealed the parallels between the experiences of ancient Israel in the Exodus movement and Israel of today, the SDA church. Bro. Houteff made reference to this tract in three places in the original writings of the Rod ( Tract No. 7, p. 44; Shepherd's Rod Tract, p. 69, and Symbolic Code Vol. 2, No. 2, p. 2).
- "Certainties of the Advent Movement", W. A. Spicer, 1929 (PDF, 846 KB). This book was referenced in Shepherd's Rod Vol. 1, p. 68 and Tract No. 7, p. 27 showing the parallels between the Exodus Movement and the Advent movement in type/antitype. This excerpt includes chapters 5 and 6 from the book which discuss this topic.
First Quarter, Senior Sabbath School Lesson, 1929 (PDF, 1.85 MB). This is the SS Lesson covering Isaiah chapts. 54-66 that Bro. Houteff first began to receive inspired interpretations and shared them with his SS class which were later published in Shepherd's Rod, Vol. 1, pp. 135-65. It is interesting to compare private opinions versus inspired interpretations. See a reference to this SS Lesson in 1 SR Tract, p. 10.
Review and Herald, Oct. 10, 1929 (in part, PDF, 989 KB) as referenced in Shepherd’s Rod, Vol. 1, p. 107. An article entitled "The Remnant Church--Part II". Draws many parallels between the exodus movement and the second advent movement commonly recognized as a type/antitype.
Review and Herald, Jan. 23, 1930 (in part, PDF, 803 KB) as referenced in Shepherd’s Rod, Vol. 1, pp. 88, 98-100, 107. This issue contains two different articles which both draw parallels between the Exodus movement and the Second Advent Movement. This was a persuasive teaching in the church at the time the Rod arrived on the scene.
Review and Herald, May 1, 1930 (in part, PDF, 679 KB) as referenced in Shepherd’s Rod, Vol. 1, p. 107-08. Still further examples given between the Exodus experience and the Second Advent movement. The necessity for purification before entering the promised land emphasized. How times have changed.
Documents Related to the Movement of the Storehouse (1959-present): (Added, 11-2011)
Pre-Session Symbolic Code 1961 (PDF, 1.1 MB) This remarkable Code announces the restoration of the Symbolic Code to its divine purpose after Florence Houteff and her Council highjacked the Code to introduce false doctrines. It also calls for the historic 1961 Session to reorganize the storehouse after the apostacy of the wife.
Session Code 1961 (PDF, 1.2 MB) This Code provides a synoptic report of the historic 1961 Session in which the storehouse was reorganized and a new set of officers for the Executive Council was chosen. Some strong protests against Florence and her Counsel are published.
Calling 144,000 Nathanials: Under New Management (PDF, 332 KB) This interesting publication announces the reorganization of the Association after Florence Houteff's apostasy to the General Conference leaders and reprints official letters to this effect.
Salem Session Code, 1970 (PDF, 710 KB) This Code provides the Session minutes and selection of Executive Council members for the newly relocated Assocation to Salem, SC.
- Letter from CA brethren to Salem Counsel, 1974 (PDF, 194 KB) This letter was an appeal from several concerned brethren regarding the introduction of false teaching into the Symbolic Codes coming from the Salem Council headed by Don Adair.
- Resignation Letter from CA brethren to Salem Counsel, 1974 (PDF, 68 KB) A formal protest and resignation letter from 14 brethren regarding the behavior of the Salem Council under the control of Don Adair. This was the beginning of the Yucaipa Association in 1974.
- Davidia: The Inside Report (PDF, 800 KB) This remarkable document was published by the Yucaipa Association in 1984 to refute the false "seven rounds" theory coming from the Calimesa Association that broke away under the leadership of Wanda Blum and Erwin Reichmann. It contains much important historical information such as the meeting minutes of Sessions that were held during the 1960's and 1970's.
Other Historical Documents of Interest (Scanned Originals): (Updated, 12-2009)
The Shepherd's Rod--What Is It? (PDF, 57 KB) This two page document, sent to the General Conference in November 1940, described the purpose of The Shepherd's Rod Publications, listed two books for sale, and the literature available for free distribution at that time.
Certificate of Fellowship Application Form, (PDF, 660 KB). This document includes an original "Application for Fellowship" form used by Mt. Carmel Center under Bro. Houteff's administration along with a scan of an actual Fellowship card. The letter that was included with the card when it was issued is also included in retyped format.
Bequethment Certificate (PDF, 215 KB) A benefit for the "Second Tithers Association of Davidian Seventh-day Adventists" first provided in September 1944 (Tract 13, 2nd Ed., p. 47). See also Answerer Book No. 5, pp. 61-63.
- Photographs of original Shepherd's Rod study charts, circa 1944. With so many versions and alterations going around these days claiming to be the SRod study charts having many different color schemes and in some cases dramatically altered graphic content, it is important to be able to see what the original charts produced under Bro. Houteff's supervision actually looked like.
- First Edition of Timely Greetings, Vol. 1,Nos. 1-21, 24 in original letter size format (PDF, 16.2 MB). These TG's were first sent out to members of the General Assn. of Davidian Seventh-day Adventist, Mt. Carmel Center, Waco, Texas during 1946-1947. Shortly afterwards they were re-typeset and further edited into the pocket size (4.75 x 6.25 in.) tract format, for the purpose to send as the leaves of autumn to the brethren in Laodicea. Some of the preliminary material to the original service, i.e. song service, prayer invitation, and prayer thought were edited out or condensed. It is now enjoyable to gain a better feeling for the original presentation with the inclusion of this introductory material.
The Test and Trial at Minneapolis, 1888 (PDF, 468 KB). A 10 page track containing a reprint of a letter written from Ellen White to Elder O. A. Olsen dated Sept. 1, 1892. It concerns the problem of the church attitude in rejecting the message brought by Elders Jones and Waggoner which revealed a lack of love to Jesus and for one another.
Letter from EGW Estate, December 2, 1971 (PDF, 68 KB). An official reply from Arthur L. White, Secretary to the White Estate, to an inquiry regarding inspired statement(s) about the teaching of the "stone" in Dan. 2:45.
Review and Herald, Centennial Special, 1844-1944 (PDF, 973 KB). A brief history documenting the rise of the three angels messages introduced to the church by William Miller (1st), Charles Fitch (2nd), and Joseph Bates/James Whites (3rd). These facts disprove the Roden-Branch theory about the five angels in Revelation 14.
I saiah 65:20, The Little Season: SDA Documents (PDF, 4.4 MB). A collection of records from official SDA publications (ST, RH) around the 1900's regarding the church teaching on the 100 years of Isa. 65:20, also known as the short space/little season found in Rev. 17:10, 20:3.
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